Introducing LEW, your LLM Enhanced Workflow for your command line!

above image generated with ChatGPT 4 using Lew's photo. More below. Check. This. Out. What is an LLM Enhanced Workflow for your command line? LEW, or the LLM Enhanced Workflow, is a utility that allows you to quickly and efficiently interact with your favorite LLM through your command line interface (cli). Simply use your... Continue Reading →

Just use ChatGPT already!

If you're using ChatGPT, or similar services, then this is not for you. I recently have had more than one conversation with folks from varying companies and industries who haven't used ChatGPT yet. As I explain to them what it can do they get interested. I will attempt to introduce this thing called ChatGPT and point you to why should you use it, how to get started, and hopefully enable you to leverage a really powerful tool!

Getting Started with Jekyll on GitHub Pages

Delve into the process of setting up a Jekyll site hosted on GitHub Pages! We cover everything from overcoming installation errors to customizing themes and adding an admin backend for easier content management. Along the way, we discuss tips for tackling specific challenges, such as fixing OpenSSL library issues and customizing CSS for better site aesthetics. Whether you're a beginner or a developer, this guide offers a comprehensive look at getting started with Jekyll for GitHub Pages.

All Day FREE Code Camp in Boston! Come on out!

I'm very excited that the Boston Code Camp is back this year! They paused their events when the pandemic started, and they're finally back. On Saturday, April 29th, dozens of experts from in and around Boston unite to share their knowledge and learnings with a couple hundred engineers, developers, architects, technologists, and anyone else looking... Continue Reading →

npm install and the package-lock.json file

There's something that lives in many modern development projects, sleeping quietly in the root of the project, this little file package-lock.json. Most of us treat it with discontent, and ignore it completely, or at best, delete it every once in a while cause some stack overflow or blog post told us to. There are about... Continue Reading →

Diving deeper into ChatGPT

The image above was generated from DALL-E 2: "a Baroque painting of a gold shiny robot sitting next to a person with a Dalmatian" In a continuation of my last post on ChatGPT, I dug a little deeper into what ChatGPT is and other offerings. ChatpGPT is... well, I went ahead and asked it... Continue Reading →

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